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The Biology, Ecology and Conservation of an Endangered Palm, Dypsis saintelucei (Arecaceae), in the Littoral Forest of Sainte Luce, Southeast Madagascar Hogg, F., Ellis, E., Carrier, L., Blandon, A., Jenkinson, J. 2013 Environment
The Biology, Ecology and Conservation of an Endangered Palm, Dypsis saintelucei (Arecaceae), in the Littoral Forest of Sainte Luce, Southeast Madagascar Hogg, F., Ellis, E. R., Carrier, L., Blandon, A. and Jenkinson, J. 2013 Environment
The Useful Palms of Sainte Luce: Implications for Local Resource Availability and Conservation F. Hogg, S. Funnel, M. Shrum, E.R. Ellis, L.H. Tsimijaly 2013 Environment
Women's knowledge in Madagascar: A health needs assessment study Evelyn M. Dell, Susan L. Erikson, Eddy Andrianirina, Gabrielle Smith 2012 Community Health
A new record of the phantom gecko Matoatoa spannringi from Sainte Luce, SE Madagascar augments the species' known range Sheila Funnell, Megan Shrum, Emahalala Ellis and Franco Andreone 2012 Environment
Evaluation of community-led total sanitation in Vatambe and Emagnevy Mahatalaky rural commune, Anosy region, S.E. Madagascar Theophile Zafison, Laura Robson 2011 WASH
Impact of a Training Package for Community Birth Attendants in Madagascar Olivia Lucey, Mamy Andriatsihosena, Matthew Ellis 2011 Community Health
Madagascar: A Land Out Of Balance (Preface) Ed Kashi, Samm Short, Helena Drysdale 2010 Environment
Women’s nutritional and hygienic knowledge in Madagascar: a qualitative health needs assessment of the Anosy region Evelyn M. Dell 2009 Community Health
Inventaire biologique des lémuriens diurnes et nocturnes dans la forêt classée de Matsandre, Fokontany de Fenaivo, Commune rurale d’Ifotaka, District d’Amboasary Sud, Région d’Androy Gilbert Rakotoarisoa, Matthew A. Banks, Emahalala, Rayonné Ellis, Melissa Tolley, Ratefiarivelo, L. Yvon, Mbola R. Sylvestre 2008 Environment